International Art Competition Waters / Calls & Submissions
October 19, 2021
Organization Name: Art Room Gallery
Organization Location: Online
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: $15+
Contemporary Art Room Gallery is proud to announce their 2nd “Waters” Online Art Competition for the month of November. All winning artists will receive a digital award certificate. First, second and third place will be largely displayed with an article about the artist and their work. First place will be on the poster of the show. Artists and photographers from around the world are welcome to submit their best artworks related to Waters (seascapes, oceans, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, streams, ponds). A variety of interpretations can be submitted (representative, abstract, conceptional). All visual art mediums are acceptable (painting, photography, drawing, sculpture, digital, prints, fiber art, collage or installation art) except sound and video art.
Calls & SubmissionsCompetitionInternationalOnlineThemed