International “Bold Colors” Art Competition / Calls & Submissions

January 31, 2024

Organization Name: Blue Koi Gallery

Organization Location: Blue Koi Gallery

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $20.00


Blue Koi Gallery invites you to participate in the International “Bold Colors” Art Competition. This online competition invites visual art with bold colors. You may use different mediums like paintings, sculptures, digital art, prints, photos, and mixed Media.
First, second, and third place winners will be featured on the website’s front page with a detailed article highlighting the artist’s journey and creations. Merit and honorable mention awards will also be presented, accompanied by extensive coverage and online exhibition for all winners. All backgrounds, skill levels, and styles accepted.

This contest is open worldwide. Artists must be 18 years old.
Entry: $20 for 4 images
Submit your bold and vibrant artwork by January 31, 2024.

Opportunity Website