International Call for Artists and Curators: $10,000 / Calls & Submissions

May 3, 2020

Organization Name: Gallery Shian

Organization Location: Online

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: 10


[This is the online gallery project of new era!]
We are an online art gallery created by artists and curators from around the world.
We like to make the best online art gallery by collecting artworks that can be found online.
We need your help on this.
Let’s make a new phase of art history!

[The best artwork is rewarded weekly. Maximum reward is $10,000.]
In order to collect excellent artworks from all over the world, we have decided to ask this task to art curator in public. A person who submits the most fascinating artwork will be rewarded. We will judge the submitted artworks strictly by reviewing them manually and evaluating them fairly. The best and some of the winner’s artworks will be posted on our online gallery.

[How to apply]
Register as an applicant and send an URL link of your artwork.
The gallery will accept artwork on any subject. Please submit an URL link of your artwork. The artwork can be anything from a picture from Facebook page or URL of imgur, as far as you think this is great art.
Which artwork would you like to bring into spotlight? Artwork of any theme and any time period are accepted.
E.g. Classical oil painting, drawing of a girl in anime, photo of a glass of Coca-Cola from Youtube screen, or your own art!  We are open to all kids of art.

Affiliate register:

Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsInternational