Jameson/ArcWeld Building / Calls & Submissions
March 5, 2020
Organization Name: 4Culture
Organization Location: Seattle, WA
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: Free
A new home base for King County’s clean water heroes: create a site-specific artwork for an exterior location at the new Jameson building in the Interbay Industrial Area of Seattle, Washington.
Budget: $250,000 [Artist’s project budget is inclusive of artist fees, implementation which includes materials, fabrication, on-site installation, travel, transportation, and Washington State Sales/Use Tax. This amount does not include applicable construction credits.]
Eligibility: open to professional artists and artist-led teams residing in the United States.
Application: submission of an online application is required for this opportunity.
Deadline: Thursday, March 5 by 4:00 pm PST
4Culture and King County’s Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) seek an artist or artist-led team to create a site-specific artwork for one surface or façade of the new Jameson building. Artworks will inspire and engage the broader community to:
-Consider the WTD workers who build and operate clean water facilities.
-Environmental stewardship and protection of water quality in our region.
-Influence of WTD workers, and their connection to this industrial neighborhood and larger community.
-The artist will work with the project team and architectural consultant in a collaborative relationship.
Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsVisual