Last call for 2020: Artist residency from home! / Residencies

October 30, 2020

Organization Name: World of Co Artist Residnecy

Organization Location: Online

Type: Residencies

Fee: Free


Currently, WOC is launching a virtual artist residency with an inspiring program in collaboration with international artists. With this initiative, we want to embrace creativity at home, encourage curiosity, and enhance connectivity among artists.

World of Co Artist Residency was established in 2017 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Our mission is to develop a collaborative platform for artistic and cultural exchange, empower exploration and foster collaboration.


– Learn from international artists: Enrich your understanding of different art subjects with lectures, discussions and critiques, designed to inspire, facilitate reflection, and improve practice.

– Connect and create with new artists: WOC provides artists with the opportunity to create new projects while forming meaningful connections with fellow artists and lecturers.

– Present your work to a new audience: The program is curated to give artists the opportunity to present their works through blog posts, WOC social media channels, and networks.

– Participate from anywhere in the world: WOC provides a flexible environment to learn, connect, and explore your practice online. All you need is a good internet connection.


+ Cultural program with lectures and discussions by artists and art professionals
+ Art critique
+ Group shared discussions on progress and project stages throughout the residency
+ Building an effective online presence as an artist – Moderated discussion
+ Online Open studio – Connect, create, co-create. collaborate – You Choose!
An open studio time to connect with one another while creating from our own home/studio spaces.
+ Online presentation of your projects – at the end of the month (optional)
+ Become part of the online group WOC Alumni with artists from all over the world

Duration of residency
Each session starts from 5th day of the month. If you decide to participate longer period, please state it in your application form. Apply for 1 оr 2 month residency session: November(05.11 – 05.12) December(05.12 – 05.01)

From anywhere

Disciplines, work equipment and assistance
The program is open to emerging and mid-career artists, curators, art researchers, and managers, from all around the world.

Fees and support
The monthly tuition fee is 190 EUR.

Expectations towards the artist
Artists are not required to create and present a finished piece of work, they can choose to share their creative process instead.

Application information
Apply for the online residency program here:

Opportunity Website

All DisciplinesCalls For ArtistsLiteraryMediaMultidisciplinaryPerformingResidenciesResidencyVisual