Learning Experience Designer / Employment

March 31, 2021

Organization Name: At Risk International

Organization Location: Seattle, WA

Type: Employment

Fee: Free


The Learning Experience Designer will be embedded within a large global client and is responsible for designing, creating, and implementing engaging security-related training, education materials, promotional campaigns, and communications, through printed material, presentations and email. Working with the Security Investigations/Workplace Violence Prevention team’s Training and Outreach group, the position will primarily focus on designing messages, reports, and training (including instructor-led and learning management system (LMS)-housed computer-based content). A background in graphic or interactive design is ideal, with additional preferred skills in designing content for an LMS. The ability to manage multiple projects and handle large volumes of creative and logistical work is essential. We embrace the concepts of continuous process improvement, innovation and shared risk management. An ideal candidate will have a drive to be innovative and learn new skills to improve themselves and the overall team.

The goal of this position is to deliver intuitive and compelling designs for both internal (security) and external (enterprise) stakeholder audiences. An interest in security, investigations and workplace violence prevention topics is helpful.


Opportunity Website

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