Local Artists Wanted for Slide Memorial Site / Calls & Submissions

March 22, 2022

Organization Name: Snohomish County Arts Commission

Organization Location: Monroe, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


Snohomish County Arts Commission is calling for concepts from artists in Washington State to refine and expand preliminary designs for individual memorials at the SR 530 (“Oso”) Slide Memorial site.

Snohomish County has been working with the families of those lost in this tragedy to plan a memorial to honor the individuals and community lost, the survivors, the response effort, and to provide information about the event. Requested concepts will further the vision of positivity, and honor the preliminary concepts already designed for the individual memorials.

Please find additional information about the SR 530 Slide Memorial here: https://www.snohomishcountywa.gov/3965/SR-530-Mudslide-Memorial and, find the full Call for Concepts at SnoCoArts.org.


Opportunity Website

MonroePublic ArtRFPStatewide