Looks Good On Paper, National Paper Arts Exhibition / Calls & Submissions
June 24, 2022
Organization Name: Pyramid Atlantic Art Center
Organization Location: Hyattsville, MD
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: $30
What is it: A juried contemporary Paper exhibition, featuring 2D and 3D works on, in, and of paper. The exhibition will showcase diverse practices and concepts in paper arts including trends and advances in the art of hand papermaking, the political aspects of paper/papermaking, and works that explore and manipulate the materiality of paper itself.
Eligibility: 2D and 3D works on/in paper, where the paper is an important conceptual or technical aspect of the work. Prints, drawings, alternative photo processes on paper, pulp paintings and pulp sculptures, sculptural techniques in paper, recycled paper, folded, cut, pierced or otherwise manipulated paper, and mixed media paper pieces are all eligible for entry.
Jurors: Kelly Taylor Mitchell, Cindy Cheng, Gretchen Schermerhorn
Calls & SubmissionsExhibitionJuriedMaryland