Lost and Found / Calls & Submissions

August 15, 2023

Organization Name: The Chateau Gallery

Organization Location: Online

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $20


Lost and Found is an exhibition exploring the concept of abandoned, lost, or forgotten people, places, and things. In creative parlance, a “found object” is an item “lost” by its owner and rediscovered by chance or circumstance by another. The found object is typically granted significance in the mind’s eye of the finder if they determine the relic to hold intrinsic value or symbolic qualities. “Abandoned” is a catch-all phrase for vacant or unused spaces and structures, often found by urban explorers as they’re left exposed to the elements and reclaimed by nature. “Forgotten” is perhaps the most uncertain circumstance, leading to moral dilemmas, legal consequences, and material potential. What is the principle of forgetfulness, and how does this concept challenge the notion of ownership? What are the boundaries of property; at what moment does the finder, or thief, become the keeper? Is it conceivable to lose sight of where you came from, who you are, and who or what you have become? If so, is it possible to find — yourself?

Lost and Found is an international juried group exhibition open to artists ages 18 and older. All forms of two-dimensional, traditional, and non-conventional art media (e.g., digital and film photography, video, oil painting, watercolor, acrylic, mixed media, collage, drawing media such as graphite, charcoal, pencils, pen and ink, arts and crafts, etc.) are welcome for submission.


Opportunity Website

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