Martin Way and Pacific Avenue Art Crossing / Calls & Submissions

March 29, 2022

Organization Name: Olympia Parks, Arts & Recreation

Organization Location: Olympia, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


The City of Olympia is seeking an artist or artist team to develop site-specific artwork as part of the Olympia Art Crossings Project. Olympia Art Crossings is a creative placemaking project that places public art in local neighborhoods, contributes to community identity, and connects different areas of our community through public art.

The City of Olympia is committed to being an inclusive, affirming and equitable place for our community members and staff to live, play and work. We adhere to the non-discriminatory treatment of all persons in employment and the delivery of services and resources. We strongly encourage people who are Black or Indigenous, people of color, transgender, non-binary, LGBTQ, immigrants, people with disabilities, and women to apply.

This project is third in the series of eight. The total project budget for artwork is $50,000. The City is responsible for site preparation and installation.

This opportunity is available to artists with a strong connection to the city of Olympia, WA. Olympia-based artists and/or artist teams are encouraged to apply.
• Application open | Thursday, March 3, 2022
• Workshop for interested applicants: Wednesday, March 16, 6-7:30 p.m., Zoom
• Deadline for Entry | 11:45pm, Tuesday, March 29, 2022,_culture___heritage/public_art/art_crossing_call_for_art/index.php

Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsOlympiaPublic ArtRFP