Mineral School, Mineral / 2019 Residencies near Mt. Rainier / Call for Artists
January 1, 1970
Type: N/A
Mineral School is an artists residency located in a former 1947 elementary school near Mt. Rainier, in Mineral, Washington. During 2019, we’re offering four two-week residency periods to screenwriters, poetry and prose writers, and visual artists, providing accepted applicants with space and time to create new work without the interruptions of normal life and with the bonus of healthy meals prepared by culinary volunteers using locally-grown organic food whenever possible. The May 2019 residency is screenwriter-specific, in partnership with the Rainier Independent Film Festival. During September 2019, we’ll offer one one-week residency to 4 writers or artists who are parents of children under 18, through support from the Sustainable Arts Foundation. All other sessions are mixed-resident.
Each resident will live in an 800-square foot former classroom that offers peekaboo views of Mineral Lake and Mt. Rainier, and that will double as their writing studio, with desk and chair, lighting, bookcase, and lots of chalkboards. Visual artist residents will be offered space to work outside of their classrooms (unless they wish or want work in their medium in the room where they sleep). The school building has shared bathrooms with showers. Residents are served all meals daily (plus 24/7 access to a snack fridge and coffee/tea station), and will have the opportunity to share work with the public. Mineral features a swimmable fishing lake, boat rentals, a bar, a B&B, a general store, churches, a post office, and many deer. It’s a 25-minute drive to Mt. Rainier National Park.
Visiting authors and artists: During each two-week residency, special guests will visit and present work. During May, Seattle-based screenwriter, film critic, and film festival curator Warren Etheredge will talk craft with screenwriters. During other sessions, alumni presenters will visit and bring with them a special guest artist they’ve chosen to introduce to Mineral.
Resident presentations: If they wish, residents can share with one another and the public at our monthly residents’ “show and tell” held during residency. These presentations are held after dinner in our library/multi-purpose room and are casual dessert potlucks.https://mineralschool.submittable.com/submit