multi-FIGURE: Works Featuring Multiple Figures / Calls & Submissions
January 7, 2023
Organization Name: Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center
Organization Location: Cincinnati, OH
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: $40
The Cincinnati based non-profit arts organization and gallery, Manifest, invites visual artists and designers to submit works that include more than one figure, open to interpretation, as well as traditional and creative approaches. While certainly a possibility, this is not specifically a call for narrative works.
A thought, a shape, a living being. All of these are connected to the term figure. With this in mind, what is a multi-figural work? While examples may well include the long lineage of images and objects consisting of numerous characters arrayed in composition—from Lascaux to Guernica and beyond, can it also exist as something more than the classical depiction of multiple living beings?
What compositional forms can these figures present themselves in? What is the role of multi-figural work in our history, past and present? We invite artists to share how multiple figures can be realized, recognized, and interact—from the common notion of more than one person, to those which stretch the bounds of the concept.
$40 for up to FOUR entries submitted. $5 per each additional entry.
ANNUAL CASH AWARD: The annual Manifest Grand Jury Prize will result in the awarding of one significant cash prize ($5000) to a single work selected as the ‘best of the entire season’.
Calls & SubmissionsInternationalThemed