New Public Works for Websters Woods Sculpture Park / Calls & Submissions

May 24, 2020

Organization Name: Port Angeles Fine Arts Center

Organization Location: Port Angeles, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $15


Entry Deadline: Extended to May 24, 2020 (midnight PST)
Entry Fee: $15 (up to 3 pieces)

The Port Angeles Fine Arts Center seeks proposals for the installation of new public works in Webster’s Woods Sculpture Park, Port Angeles, WA. Existing pieces as well as proposals for new works will be considered.

The selected works will join more than 100 existing sculptures installed throughout 5 acres of forested parkland and open meadow. Applicants are encouraged to visit Webster’s Woods Sculpture Park to experience firsthand the park’s rugged terrain and second-growth Olympic forest environment.


Open to all artists and artist teams located within the United States. Artist teams please designate one primary contact person for your group.

Artwork must be:
● The artist or artist team’s own original work
● Suitable for viewers of all ages
● Able to withstand adverse weather conditions throughout the year
● Soundly constructed and firmly anchored to prevent theft and ensure public safety

Terms & Conditions:
● Selected sculptures will be displayed through May 1, 2021
● Participating artists will receive a $300 stipend for loan of the work. Artists requiring additional funds to construct, transport, or install work are strongly encouraged to seek funding through Artist Trust, ArtsWA, or other appropriate sources.
● All works sold will remain in place through May 1, 2021. PAFAC charges a 40% commission on all sales.
● Artists are solely responsible for transportation and installation of their work, to be ready for display by end of day on June 19, 2020. *Please note: Should it become necessary for this installation date to be postponed in the interest of public safety during the coronavirus outbreak, the PAFAC will coordinate with participating artists to determine an appropriate time to reschedule.
● Artists will hold harmless the PAFAC and the City of Port Angeles from any claim of damage or loss of artworks from any cause whatsoever, during the period the sculpture is displayed.
● Any images submitted or photographs taken of the artwork may be used by PAFAC for promotion and to encourage public engagement with the sculpture park
● Artwork that differs substantially from submitted image(s) or project proposals may not be installed.
● Work not de-installed by May 30, 2021 will become the property of PAFAC.

Festival Timeline:

Application Deadline: Extended to May 24, 2020 (midnight PST)
Email Notifications: May 30
Installation Time Frame: June 17-19*
Opening Reception: Saturday, June 20*
De-installation: May 1 – 30, 2021

*Please note: Should it become necessary for the installation date and opening festivities to be postponed in the interest of public safety during the coronavirus outbreak, the PAFAC will coordinate with participating artists to determine an appropriate time to reschedule these events.

Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsPublic Art