nice;02 – annual juried exhibition / Calls & Submissions

May 15, 2024

Organization Name: Midwest Nice Art

Organization Location: Aberdeen, SD

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $20


nice;02 is the second iteration of our annual juried exhibition at Midwest Nice Art! We are so excited to be able to bring this opportunity to our community again. This exhibition will be juried by Midwest Nice Art co-founders Tim Rickett + Epiphany Knedler. The exhibition will be displayed at JFAC Gallery on the Northern State University campus in Aberdeen, South Dakota Summer 2024. This exhibition is open to all artists 18+ in the United States. Artists may submit two works for consideration. The entry fee is $20. Students can submit for $10 with a student code (NICESTUDENT2024). This exhibition is open theme – show us your best work!

Submissions are due Wednesday, May 15.

Opportunity Website