Online Artist Residency hosted by WOC / Calls & Submissions

April 27, 2022

Organization Name: World of Co Artist Residnecy

Organization Location: Online

Type: Calls & Submissions


As a collaborative program, it is designed to give a chance to communicate across the globe with other artists, to link people from different corners of the planet and to work with them in different ways. The program builds a strong sense of community and artistic collaboration among its participants which lasts after the program ends.

More about the program:

+ Regular meetings and activities throughout the month. Approximately three sessions per week.
+ Weekly live group meetings with fellow artists, focused on your work – discussion and exchange, moderated by WOC team
+ Group critique helping you to conceptualize your art projects hosted by professional artists
+ Building an effective online presence as an artist. Individual advice on your social media channels and website, moderated by the WOC web and graphic designer
+ Internal meetups and discussions with previous WOC artists
+ Exhibit your project in our online gallery at the end of the residency program
+ Presenting you on World of Co website and blog
+ Become part of our international artist network, consisting of more than 200 artists across the globe

Since 2017, the team of World of Co has been hosting artist residency in Sofia, Bulgaria. Until now more than 200 artists ( took part in our programs. In a friendly and supportive atmosphere, we helped them to continue growing, experimenting and improving themselves as artists. Meanwhile, since the beginning of the pandemic, we gave birth to an online residency program in order to help the international artist community to stay connected and be creative.

Duration of residency
You can apply for one-month or two-month residency programs. In order to get a full experience of the program, we suggest you participate in the two-month program.
Every residency program starts on the 5th day of the month and finishes on the 30th. All of the activities are held in the conference software Zoom.
Before the beginning of the program, the World of Co team will send you the monthly schedule with all of the activities and Zoom links.Every schedule is created considering the different time zones of the participants, in other the timing to be suitable for everybody.


Disciplines, work equipment and assistance
The online program is open to emerging and mid-career visual artists, mixed media artists, painters, textile artists, illustrators, designers, writers, sound artists, multidisciplinary artists, curators and art researchers from all around the world.

Studio / Workspace
ONLINE – Every artist can work from their home and studio. You just need a good internet connection.

Fees and support
The residency fee for a one-month program is 270 EUR, and for two months is 450 EUR.Note: World of Co will provide you with necessary documents if you are applying for a scholarship or funding.

Expectations towards the artist
Participatory and respective attitude towards all participants and the WOC team
Willingness to learn, to experiment, and to show incomplete or drafts in sessions
Attend residency sessions or inform us if you are not able
Time and space for reflection
Good internet connection
Application information
Apply for the World of Co Online Artist Residency until 27th of April 2022 on the following link :
Applications are accepted only through the online form on our website. Please state in your application the program and the period you are applying for.
In addition to evaluating the candidate’s professional background, during the selection World of Co team pay particular attention to the motivation to join the program. The selected artists will be informed via email regarding the next steps to join the program.

Opportunity Website
