OPEN CALL ALTOFEST 2020 – X Edition / Calls & Submissions
March 15, 2020
Organization Name: Altofest
Organization Location: Naples, ITL
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: Free
24th June > 5th July NAPOLI
Residencies + Program
International Contemporary Live Arts Fest
GIVE RISE TO Human Regeneration
Created and Curated by TeatrInGestAzione
Artistic Direction – Gesualdi | Trono
Dramaturg – Loretta Mesiti
Invitation for proposals
[deadline extended to the 15th of March 2020]
Altofest was born in 2011 as an act of resistance, both artistic and political. The aim is to give rise to a community that, generating critical thinking, is able to recognise every attempt of imposing depersonalized and consumerist cultural policies. A community that is able to recognize culture as a primary good, feeling its need daily. We intend to graft in the urban fabric of the city a process through which all the social elements are put into dialogue with one another. The connection is given by the foreign, external sight, which expresses itself in the plurality of artistic languages that compose Altofest. The semantic interference offers to the community the occasion of speaking to each other in a neutral language, daring together in a common space.
International artists and citizens live together for two weeks sharing time and space. So in Altofest the intimate dimension of the home is fused with the aesthetics and poetics of all artworks and artistic processes.
Applications may include one or more original work, previously created for a formal space, already completed and performed in front of an audience. All archived or repertoire works are also accepted. Projects that are still a work in progress or unpublished works are excluded. Artworks and performances must be original and any subject, contents and themes are welcomed. Proposals can be considered only if they belong to the field of Live Arts (theatre, dance, performance, experimental and interdisciplinary formats).
Professional artists can apply from all over the world, with no distinction among nationality, country of residence, language or age. Amateur groups cannot apply.
In Altofest, artists are invited to requalify their work during a residency that lasts 7 days, after which the performance is scheduled in the program of Altofest for 5 days of the public opening. The presence of the artist is required for the entire period of Altofest, 12 days.
Altofest ensures accommodation, subsistence, a lump-sum payment for the project and a weekly pass for the public transport of Naples. All the regulations to be part of Altofest follow the terms and conditions written in the document that you find on the website, besides the application form online.
To apply please send proposals by filling the online form on this link:
By filling the form, you declare to have read and accepted all the terms of the application unconditionally.
The online application is the only way to send the artistic proposals for Altofest 2020.
For further information and/or questions:
please write to
or call to +39 320 0304861 (Whatsapp also)
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Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For Artists