Open Call for Solo & Group Exhibitions / Calls & Submissions

October 14, 2019

Organization Name: New York Arts Residency and Studios Foundation (NARS)

Organization Location: Brookyln, NY

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $20


NARS is pleased to invite exhibition proposals for solo and group curated exhibitions for 2020. Exhibition proposals from both artists and curators will be considered for solo or group exhibitions for our Main Gallery space and the Project Space, designed for smaller and more dynamic programming.

In line with our mission, NARS exhibitions present compelling and innovative ideas and work being produced on a local, national, and international level by under-represented and emerging artists and cultural producers. Alongside our international residency program, these exhibitions create a platform showcasing artistic developments in contemporary arts and a forum for exchanging ideas.

NARS invites artists, curators, collectives, cultural producers, and thinkers to propose solo or group exhibitions that reflect our mission to foster and represent important artistic directions and critical dialogue in contemporary art and culture writ large. NARS will invite select applicants to further develop proposals and provide the space, support, and resources to mount ambitious and compelling exhibitions. Proposals will be considered and developed for either exhibition space, for shows running from 3-5 weeks, at NARS’ discretion.

Eligibility & Requirements

  • All artists and curators regardless of age, gender, and nationality are eligible to apply.
  • Artists who are or will be enrolled in a college or university art degree-granting program are not eligible to apply
  • Artists may submit proposals for solo shows or as curators for a group exhibition, not including their own work.
  • Curators may submit proposals for new curated group shows of 4 or more artists.
  • Proposed artists must be contacted by curators prior to application submission confirming their interest and availability.
  • Artists and curators who have previously exhibited at NARS have must wait two (2) full years before submitting another proposal, but curatorial proposals may include previously exhibited or NARS residency artists.
  • Applicants may only submit one exhibition proposal, whether individually or on a team, per Open Call.

*If you have any questions please contact us at, or call NARS from Monday to Friday, between 11 am and 5 pm.


  • Contact Information
  • Artist/Curatorial Resume(s) (PDF or Word): Upload a single document containing the resumes of all of the artists included in the exhibition proposal. Upload up to three (3) resumes for curators in a single file.
  • Proposed Exhibition Title
  • Names of Artists for curated exhibitions
  • Exhibition Proposal (limit 500 words): Provide a statement describing the concept of your proposed exhibition.
  • Up to 10 Work Samples composed of Images, text, audio, or video. Images should be in JPEG format no larger than 1000 x 1000 pixels @ 72 dpi. Format each file name as “Artist’s last name_Artist’s first name_1.jpg,” “Artist’s last name_ Artist’s first name_2.jpg,” etc.
  • Work Sample Information List: Provide any contextual or technical information related to your work sample.

The galleries at NARS Foundation are located on the second and fourth floor of an industrial building surrounded by artists’ studios in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Please review photographs of previous exhibitions as well as the floors plan, prior to developing and submitting your proposal. Please note that budget availability depends on the year’s funding and will be discussed with each applicant invited to further develop their proposal.

Opportunity Website

Calls And SubmissionsExhibitionGroupOpenSolo