Hooves, Hearts, and Fairy Tails – Open Call / Calls & Submissions
July 4, 2020
Organization Name: Confluence Gallery
Organization Location: Twisp, WA
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: Free
A Call to Artists
Hooves, Hearts, and Fairy Tails
Hello Artists,
We invite you to contribute to our exhibit “Hooves, Hearts, and Fairy Tails” at the Confluence Gallery in Twisp, WA. The show will open on September 5, 2020 and run through October 10, 2020.
Hooves, Hearts, and Fairy Tails is a show that views Hooved Beasts, both real and imagined, Love and Fairy Tales through the lens of Innocence. Evoking feelings of curiosity and wonder.
Number of pieces to submit: a maximum of two per artist.
Each piece must be:
– Your own original work.
– Available for sale.
– Created in the last 3 years.
– Not previously shown in the Methow Valley area.
– Any size.
– Any medium.
– Reading for hanging with appropriate hardwire/wire secured to work (works without hardware will not be hung!!)
Please note the curator have the right to refuse work, even after work is delivered to the gallery, if it does not contribute to the direction, cohesiveness, or available space of the show. We are looking for high quality execution and thoughtful content that contribute to the vision of the show as stated above.
• Intent to Submit and digital samples of work or website by July 4 (email to roxanne@roxtography.com).
• Image Jpegs of accepted work or work in progress by August 1 (email to roxanne@roxtography.com) 300 dpi jpg format for promotional materials.
• Completed works, Inventory Form, Confluence Gallery Contract, Artist Statement, and Bio by August 29 (email to roxanne@roxtography.com)
• Show Opens September 5 (new safety protocol: NO opening event)
• Show Closes October 10. Work will be available for pick up after 3pm by appointment.
The Confluence Gallery and Art Center is a non-profit gallery. All shipping costs to and from the gallery of unsold works is each artist’s responsibility. See Confluence Gallery Shipping Procedures form for details.
Please your exhibit curator, Roxanne, roxanne@roxtography.com, or call the Confluence Gallery at (509) 997-2787 if you have any questions about the show or the requirements. We are excited to begin planning this show and look forward to hearing from you.
Roxanne Best
Exhibit Curator
Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsMultidisciplinaryVisual