Open Theme, All Experience Show / Calls & Submissions

December 11, 2019

Organization Name: Arts Letters and Numbers

Organization Location: Averill Park, NY

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


We are now accepting registrations for the 3rd-Thursday December edition! Welcoming all ages, disciplines, and levels of experience, 3rd-Thursday is waiting for your stories and works to be shared. Don’t hesitate to register and join the conversation. Click below for more info!

Beginning in January 2019 at Arts Letters & Numbers, 3rd-Thursday is a monthly participatory art show open to everyone with the desire to share their works and stories. 3rd-Thursday is an open platform for people to gather and exchange creativity across all mediums, from everyday moments to artistic brush strokes.

Opportunity Website

AgesAllCalls And SubmissionsDisciplinesExperienceLevels