PhotoBook Awards / Calls & Submissions
September 11, 2020
Organization Name: Aperture
Organization Location: New York, NY
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: First PhotoBook: $30 per book, PhotoBook of the Year: $60 for first entry from a given publisher, $30 for each subsequent entry from the same publisher, Photography Catalogue of the Year: $60 for first entry from a given publisher, $30 for each subsequent entry from the same publisher
Initiated in November 2012 by Aperture Foundation and Paris Photo, the Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards celebrate the photobook’s contribution to the evolving narrative of photography, with three major categories: First PhotoBook, PhotoBook of the Year, and Photography Catalogue of the Year. In this unprecedented year, it is all the more critical to be able to highlight excellence in book making and the creative output of the global photobook community. We look forward to sharing the shortlisted books in exhibition and in an expanded online presentation — and to announcing the winners in November.
What winners receive
The First PhotoBook Prize
A $10,000 prize will be awarded to the photographer(s)/artist(s) whose first finished, publicly available photobook is judged to be the best of the year. Twenty books from this category will be selected for the shortlist, presented to the Jury for the final selection and exhibited during Paris Photo.
The PhotoBook of the Year Prize
This prize will be awarded to the photographer(s)/artist(s), and publisher responsible, for the photobook judged to be the best of the year. Ten books from this category will be selected for the shortlist, presented to the Jury for the final selection and exhibited during Paris Photo.
The Photography Catalogue of the Year Prize Awarded to the publication, publisher, and/or organizing institution responsible for the exhibition catalogue or museum publication judged to be the best of the year. Five books from this category will be selected for the shortlist, presented to the Jury for the final selection and exhibited during Paris Photo.
The shortlisted books, accompanied by the jury’s comments, will be featured in the fall 2020 edition of The PhotoBook Review issue 018 (published by Aperture Foundation), to be released at Paris Photo and mailed to Aperture magazine subscribers. Additional content and features for the shortlisted books will appear on
How to Enter
Generate your submission form
Complete payment via
Send one copy of each submitted photobook with your submission form(s) to Mana Contemporary in New Jersey by September 11, 2020
You will need to provide the following information for each book submitted:
Book title, year of publication, and publisher information
A short description / summary of the book and why it’s being submitted to that particular category
The photographer or author’s name, as well as the designer and editor’s names
Book dimensions, number of pages, the edition number or print run
A short description of where the book is sold
An image or render of the book cover (JPG file)
Entry Fees
First PhotoBook: $30 per book
PhotoBook of the Year: $60 for first entry from a given publisher, $30 for each subsequent entry from the same publisher
Photography Catalogue of the Year: $60 for first entry from a given publisher, $30 for each subsequent entry from the same publisher
First PhotoBook: $20 per project
PhotoBook of the Year: $50 for first project from a given publisher, $20 for each subsequent project from the same publisher
Photography Catalogue of the Year: $50 for first project from a given publisher, $20 for each subsequent project from the same publisher
Delivery of Books
All books must be received before September 11, 2020. Please note, this year all books should be mailed to Mana Contemporary, not Aperture’s offices. This date does not include postmark. All entries must be physically received by this date and there will be no refunds if the books are not delivered on time. Books should be sent to:
Mana Contemporary
ATTN: Aperture PhotoBook Awards
888 Newark Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Please note, books must arrive with their submission form to Mana Contemporary by September 11, 2020. You can print out your submission form on Picter. Detailed instructions to print the submission form here.
If you have questions about shipping, please email
Juror information
The awards will be judged in two stages. An initial jury will meet in New York to select the shortlisted entries in both categories. The final winners will be decided by a separate jury that will meet in Paris immediately before Paris Photo begins. The initial jury will include representatives of both Paris Photo and Aperture Foundation, and the final jury will include neither. Each award winner will be chosen from the juried shortlist, all of which will be exhibited at Paris Photo. The fall 2020 issue of The PhotoBook Review (published by Aperture Foundation) will feature all of the shortlisted books. Following their display during Paris Photo, an exhibition of the thirty-five shortlisted books will travel to New York (location to be announced shortly) and may be exhibited at other venues.
Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsCompetitionPhotographyVisual