Poetry Editor / Calls and Submissions
June 16, 2024
Organization Name: 3Elements Review
Organization Location: Remote
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: Free
3Elements Review seeks an enthusiastic, dedicated poetry editor to join our team. Our editors MUST keep pace with submissions, comment on pieces during the reading period, and possess strong copyediting and proofreading skills.
How our process works: we typically receive between 200 to 300 poetry submissions per quarter, reading them as they come in so that when submissions close, we can quickly accept or decline. We then have two months to edit, proofread, and release the issue. Our editors must be willing to adhere to a schedule, including reading incoming pieces within a week of receiving them and sooner if prompted. Please do the following if you are interested:
Tell us why you would like to be an editor for 3Elements Review.
Share your favorite poets.
Let us know what your favorite literary journals are.
Submit a resume pertaining to your writing and editing experience.
Include a writing sample, whether it be a link to a published poem or an unpublished piece you are proud of.
We estimate that an editor’s duties take about one to two hours per week during submission periods. When submissions close, there may be two to three weeks that require approximately three hours per week for reading, editing, and proofreading.
There will be a trial period to ensure you’re a good fit, that you’re reading submissions in a timely fashion, and that your editing and proofreading is thorough.
This position is a labor of love. None of us make any money at the moment. Editing for 3Elements Review offers great professional experience, and we have a lot of fun doing the journal. We look forward to hearing from you!
Calls And SubmissionsLiterary