Poet’s Perspective / Calls & Submissions
February 24, 2022
Organization Name: Edmonds Arts Commission
Organization Location: Edmonds, WA
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: Free
Eligibility: The call is open to all Pacific Northwest Puget Sound area writers, both youth and adult. New and emerging writers are encouraged as well as established poets. Poetry in all languages is encouraged. Please include an English language translation with your submission.
Goal: City of Edmonds Arts Commission seeks submissions for short poems to be displayed in temporary outdoor poetry installations at two City locations. The goal is to surprise and delight the public with thoughtful short pieces of poetry, creating a literary link that connects with a sense of place of our area.
Poetry Submissions: Poetry topics might reference, but are not restricted to, connections to environment, habitat, nature, sustainability, history, or other cultural aspects of our Puget Sound community. Content must be deemed appropriate for diverse audiences and for public display.
Exhibit: Up to six original poems (not previously published) will be selected for installation. Poems will be displayed for a period of six months commencing in April, 2022. The City will prepare and install the poems as posters for display, with three poems at each site. The two City locations include, 1) the new Highway 99 City satellite office, and 2) outside the Edmonds Sno-Isle Library at 650 Main Street. Selected poems will also be displayed in an online gallery on the City of Edmonds Arts Commission website.
Size format requirement: Poetry must fit on a 11”x17” size poster set in a minimum type 20 point font size, limited to no more than 100 words.
Budget: Poems selected for display will be awarded a $100 honorarium. Each poet may only receive one award.
Submission requirements: Poems must be no more than 100 words and meet the size requirements for layout.
All entries must be typed in a standard copy-style font (Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Calibri), 10-12 point size, single spaced lines. No handwritten submissions. Save as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf document format. No image files. Apple/Mac users: Save as .pdf, only. Do not save as “Pages”. Complete the online application form (link follows). Include a cover letter, a short resume or description of previous writing and up to two poems.
Online application form (powered by Submittable).
Calls & SubmissionsEdmonds