Presence Journal – Seeking Art for Publication / Calls & Submissions

December 31, 2022

Organization Name: Spiritual Directors International (SDI)

Organization Location: Bellevue, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


Spiritual Directors International (SDI), a non-profit learning community with over 6000 members, publishes a quarterly journal titled Presence, and is seeking images of artworks to publish alongside poetry and articles. SDI seeks to encourage, understand and engage with creative work informed by or embodying contemplative practice, spiritual direction and companionship. The artwork shared in Presence illuminates and enhances the articles and poetry, creating a vibrant publication that nourishes the SDI Community. Publication in Presence provides opportunity for artists to have their work celebrated by a vibrant and engaged community of spiritual companions.

There is no application deadline; applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis for future publication.

Artists, illustrators, and photographers may submit their work for consideration at any time, in digital format only. Please do not mail physical work or portfolios – these will not be returned. Digital files may be sent to Please submit UP TO THREE images of the artwork (we recommend at least 1MB or each file, jpeg or tiff format), and the following information.

TITLE of artwork(s)
SHORT EXPLANATION (no more than 100 words)
SHORT BIO (50 words)
WEBSITE (optional)

Artwork submitted will be placed in a general pool for Presence selection. Selection of art occurs for each issue, as curated and selected by the Editor, Art Editor, and Executive Director.

If your work is selected for publication, you will be notified by the Art Editor. We may need to request large image files for publication. SDI pays an honorarium of $250 for cover art, and $50 for art placed inside the publication.

Opportunity Website

BellevueCalls & Submissions