Interactive Art for Riverfront Park, Spokane / Calls & Submissions

February 21, 2020

Organization Name: Spokane Arts

Organization Location: Spokane, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


The City of Spokane Parks Department and Spokane Arts are commissioning a piece of interactive art as part of the renovation of Spokane’s Riverfront Park. The addition of engaging, interactive elements in our urban park creates destinations for local residents and visitors/tourists alike, community gathering space for people of all ages and backgrounds, and creates cultural touchstones that, over time, become part of the fabric of Spokane and a source of civic pride. Public art like Ken Spiering’s “Childhood Express,” often referred to as the Big Red Wagon, and Sister Paula Turnbull’s Garbage Goat, are widely beloved and continually delight residents and visitors to Riverfront Park. This new piece of artwork will build on and expand that tradition.

The site will be in Riverfront Park, located in the heart of downtown Spokane, Washington. The artwork should be interactive, accessible and welcoming to the public. One goal of the artwork will be to create an inviting destination for citizens, neighbors, and visitors to the park. A successful project will be made of durable materials suited to an urban park location, including but not limited to a sculpture/sculptures. Applicants should reference the existing Riverfront Park Master Art Plan to gain a sense of already-identified opportunity sites (link to Master Art Plan and additional project details available here:

This opportunity is open to individual artists/artist teams working or living in the Inland Northwest region of Washington, Idaho, and Oregon. Preference may be given to Spokane-area artists. Award amount of $85,000 including all related expenses, taxes, contingency, etc.) Deadline: February 21, 11:59 p.m.

Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsPublic Art