Public Art Mural / Calls & Submissions
March 22, 2021
Organization Name: Town of Friday Harbor
Organization Location: Friday Harbor, WA
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: Free
The Town of Friday Harbor on San Juan Island is seeking proposals for a large public art piece to be located on a long wall adjacent to a public sidewalk in a historic residential and commercial neighborhood. The ideal piece will use color and context to add beauty and interest in harmony with the recently renovated street. The art should either reflect or resonate with the local community and, secondarily, create a unique destination for our many visitors.
The rough stucco wall is approximately 235 feet long with a height that graduates from 6 feet to 9.5 feet to 7.5 feet. The artist(s) may propose using all or a portion of the wall. The art piece may be applied directly to the wall or onto panels that can be attached to the wall or a combination of both.
The Town and its Friday Harbor Arts Commission (FHAC) are open to all proposals and proposed mediums including photography. Artists should note that Friday Harbor’s public art collection includes three painted murals featuring a cedar waxwing bird, orca whales, and a history of the local fishing industry.
Compensation: $5,000 to $15,000 (inclusive of all artist fees, design, materials, labor, installation, permits, insurance, and travel)
Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsPaintingPublic ArtVisual