Publice Art Intensive – Call + Workshop / Calls & Submissions

August 17, 2020

Organization Name: City of Redmond

Organization Location: Redmond, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


The City of Redmond is looking for visual artists, with or without public art experience, who seek to develop their work for the public realm. Public Art Intensive Eastside is a free, three-day workshop facilitated by seasoned public artists on topics that include design concept, contracting, fabrication, maintenance, and social practice.

This opportunity is open to artists 18 years and older, living in and around Redmond and surrounding areas. The City of Redmond is looking for a diverse pool of participants and wants to ensure that under-represented groups will have access to this opportunity.

Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsPublic ArtWorkshop