Redmond Lights 2020: Call for Temporary Public Art / COVID-19

August 28, 2020

Organization Name: City of Redmond

Organization Location: Redmond, WA

Type: COVID-19

Fee: Free


Artists are invited to submit proposals to provide new or existing temporary illuminated artworks as part of Redmond Lights in Redmond, a celebration of Winter/December holiday traditions, cultures, and faiths of the diverse Redmond community explored through light and art installations and performances. Project can include illuminated two-or three-dimensional, multi-media works that celebrates Redmond’s diverse community and various traditions of light and joy. Project must be original to the artist, weatherproof, and waterproof. Awards will be granted up to $2,500. Deadline August 28, 2020 at midnight.

Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsMediaPublic ArtSculptureVisual