RFP for a New Buddy Bench for the Madrona K-8 Playground / Calls & Submissions
August 1, 2023
Organization Name: Madrona Integrated Team
Organization Location: Edmonds, WA
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: $10
Madrona K-8 is an Edmonds School District choice school. It is different from the neighborhood schools because of the multiage classroom setup. Multiage learning encourages leadership and team learning. Madrona Integrated Team (MIT) is our version of PTA. Everyone is a member: Staff, parents, and students. We collaborate to support our students to give them the best learning environment possible.
Madrona Mission
• Awakening Minds
• Nourishing Hearts
• Cultivating Community
“The world our children inherit, the opportunities they have, and the dreams they live, depend upon the education we provide them. Our vision becomes their reality. To ensure this vision, each child that walks through our doors must be given the same access to the best educational foundation our staff, parents, and community can offer. Madrona’s multi-age setting supports our mission to create a strong sense of belonging for all students and provides unique opportunities for continuous growth through the collaboration and development of relationships among the students, staff, and parents.”
What is a buddy bench?
The buddy bench is a simple idea to eliminate loneliness and foster friendship on the playground. The bench will help spread the message of inclusion and kindness. A bench is a safe place for students to signal to others that they need a friend to reach out to them.
Submission Criteria:
MIT is asking artists to submit up to three design ideas, incorporating specific themes targeted by MIT. Materials can be reclaimed materials
Themes include:
• Nature (i.e. mountains, rivers, forests, etc.)
• Area history/historic people
• Weather (i.e. sunshine, clouds, raindrops, etc.)
• Wildlife (butterfly, deer, elk, fish, birds, etc.)
• Agriculture
• Local culture (reading, dancing, music, etc.)
To be considered for the project, please submit the following by August 1, 2023:
• Basic Information. Provide your name, mailing address, phone number and email.
• Artist Profile. Tell us about yourself! Submit a short bio outlining your experience as an artist. Include a concept and vision for your bench artwork.
• Artist Skills and Qualifications. Identify your specific skill set and qualifications that you will utilize to create this artwork.
• Artist Reference and Experience. Submit a minimum of three, but no more than five, examples of your artwork in PDF or JPEG format.
• Submit Instructions. Please submit the information requested at the link here (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3YiYqDG-LyXM8CNPPqXASDYlRd3nVCjzwhll5MGkYLP8jbg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0) by the submission deadline of August 1, 2023. Selected artists will be announced on, August 15, 2023.
Thank you for your interest in our project, and for your interest in the buddy bench! We look forward to receiving your submission. Please email questions regarding this project to MIT Parent Chair, Molly Tobias
at MITParentChair@gmail.com or 509-961-3852
Calls & SubmissionsEdmondsRFPThemed