Flourish on Rainer: RFPs from WA State Artists / Calls & Submissions
November 30, 2021
Organization Name: Bellwhether Housing
Organization Location: Seattle, WA
Type: N/A
Fee: Free
Bellwhether Housing (the Owner) invites local artists in WA State to submit proposals for internal and external artwork for Flourish on Rainier, an affordable housing apartment complex to be operated by Bellwether Housing, a local nonprofit that provides affordable housing to low income and workforce families.
RFP Submission: Interested artists must complete all Required Forms and Submittals and submit their response to Jonathan Smith by the deadline.
Address Response to:
Jonathan Smith
Bellwether Housing 433 Minor Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109
Phone: (206) 588-4798
Email: josmith@bellwetherhousing.org
Attn: Flourish on Rainier – Art RFP
Estimated Art Contract Amount: The project’s current budget for artwork (including interior and exterior) is $20,000* *Allow approximately 15% of the budget for interior wall artwork (must hold up to public graffiti and abuse).
Scope of Work: The artist will coordinate and execute the crafting of artwork located in three specified locations on the project: the first along the western façade of the building located adjacent to Rainier Ave S, the second and third at the northeast and southwest corners of the community room facing the exterior courtyard (please see supplemental materials for exact location).
The exact dimensions of each space are as follows:
Space on Western façade: Width – 5’ 3” Height – 36’ 0” Southwest Corner of Community Room: Width – 19’ 6” Height – 10’ 2” Northeast Corner of Community Room: Width – 15’ 9” Height – 9’8” & 10’8”
For any artwork that is designed to be attached to the building, the weight limit is set at 20psf unit weight.
Calls & SubmissionsRFP