RFQ for Bellevue Men’s Shelter Mural / Calls & Submissions

January 12, 2022

Organization Name: Congregations for the Homeless (CFH)

Organization Location: Bellevue, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


This project is a unique commission to create a 3000 SF mural for the entry façade of the new Eastgate Men’s Shelter being constructed by CFH in Bellevue WA.
CFH will select an artist/artist team to work with us and our community to design and install the mural. This mural will be more than a beautiful, decorative feature. It will convey that this is a place where all are welcome…that this is more than a building. It is intended to be a place of dignity, respect, empowerment and community. A place where relationships matter and where all people can find the safety and peace needed to take the next steps on the journey toward stability.

Criteria for Artist Selection
– Relevant body of work exhibited by completed projects of a similar size and scale.
– Experience with installations of a comparable size (see specifications) is preferred; ability to demonstrate understanding of large works, knowledge of durable materials and response to environmental conditions.
– History and experience in working successfully with a project team; ability to collaborate with clients, architects and contractors.
– Artists who can demonstrate an understanding and support of CFH’s mission and their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Artists or Artist Teams are invited to submit qualifications by January 12, 2022 for consideration.
Selected finalists will submit proposals by March 23, 2022 and final artist selection will occur by April 22, 2022.
The mural is anticipated to be installed during July – September 2022.
For complete details and requirements see link to RFQ document.


Opportunity Website

BellevueCalls & SubmissionsMuralPublic ArtRFQ