RFQ for Widen Arrivals Project – Exterior Drive Wall at SeaTac/ Calls & Submissions

September 20, 2022

Organization Name: Port Of Seattle

Organization Location: Seattle-Tacoma International Airport

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


Widen Arrivals Project- Public Art Open Call (RFQ)
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport

Location: Exterior drive approaching arrivals
Eligibility: International open call. All entries must be artist’s original work.
Budget: $310,000-$350,000
This includes but is not limited to taxes, fabrication, delivery and installation. Other budget details will be included in artist’s

Call Summary
The Port of Seattle’s Public Art Program is seeking artists to submit qualifications for a site-specific
exterior installation connected to our upcoming Widen Arrivals project. The artwork may be sited along
the walls of the arrivals drive or adjacent to the supporting structures*. Applicants should consider the
design aesthetics of the project, and the future concepts must be thoughtful regarding long term
maintenance and conservation.
*Artists selected will move on to the proposal phase (RFP)

Project description
The Widen Arrivals Roadways project includes the widening of the southbound lanes of the Northern
Airport Expressway to provide an additional two lanes for a total of six lanes from S 170th St into the
Departures and Arrivals curbsides and Main Garage. This requires the relocation and expansion of the
roadways to the west given the location of the columns supporting the Light Rail Transit guideway. In
addition to the improvements described above, the project will relocate the north rental car bus curb
further north to increase utilization of the Arrivals curbside, demolish the fourth-floor bridge from
Departures to the Main Garage that was closed with the construction of the Light Rail Transit walkway,
and complete the structural improvements at the north end of the Service Tunnel. The scope of work
for this project has increased to include additional utility relocations and the renewal of utility
infrastructure impacted by the project.

Artwork Design/Safety Guidelines
• The artwork must be produced in durable materials, easily maintained, and proven viability in
public installations
• Concepts that are integrated into the infrastructure must abide by Port of Seattle project
guidelines (as it pertains to construction and installation standards)
• Applicants will be working with various Port departments such as Facilities and Infrastructure,
and the Aviation Project Management group, in addition to the Public Art program.
Submission Requirements
• Submit professional resume/CV
• Contact information of 3 professional references
• Artist statement (maximum 500 words)
• 4-6 image examples of work that demonstrates experience related to this call’s scope
and objectives
• Title of the piece(s), dimensions, value and materials

RFQ Schedule
September 6, 2022: RFQ is published online.
September 6, 2022 to September 20th, 2022, 5:00 p.m. PST: Artists submit qualifications or available
existing work.
Week of September 26, 2022: Selection panel reviews submissions.
1st week of October 2022: Artists are contacted with selection results.
2025: Project Completion.

Please e-mail the contacts below with your submission:

Tommy Gregory
Public Art Sr. Manager and Curator
Email: Gregory.t@portseattle.org

Annabelle Goavec
Public Art Program Coordinator
Email: goavec.a@portseattle.org

Daphne Maiden
Public Art Program College intern
Email: maiden.d@portseattle.org

Please follow the link below and navigate to the “Documents” tab to download the Open Call PDF.


Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsPublic ArtRFQSeattleTacoma