RFQ: SODO neighborhood / Calls and Submissions
February 29, 2024
Organization Name: SODO BIA
Organization Location: Seattle, WA
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: Free
In collaboration with the City of Seattle Office of Arts and Culture Hope Corps Program, Office of Economic Development, and One Seattle Downtown Activation Plan, we (SODO BIA + overall creative) are calling for artists to submit their qualifications to design and install murals on exterior walls in the SODO neighborhood.
Eligibility: This RFQ is open to all artists, regardless of geography or experience, though artists with a past or present connection to SODO and / or the indigenous peoples of the PNW are strongly encouraged to apply
Project Scope: up to 8 artists will be invited to submit designs for $1,000 each, and painting budgets will range from $5,000 to $15,000 depending on wall pairings.
Anticipated Timeline: RFQ posted Dec 1 ‘23 – Feb 29 ‘24, awards presented March ‘24, installation summer ‘24
Calls And SubmissionsKing CountyPierce CountyVisual