Ruth Borchard Self Portrait Prize / Calls & Submissions

April 1, 2021

Organization Name: Ruth Borchard Collection

Organization Location: London, UK

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: £30GBP


The Ruth Borchard Collection invites all artists to enter the Prize to celebrate the practice of self portraiture.

There are no restrictions on size or media and no expected form or style. The only requirement is that the work must be a self portrait. Historically entries have included both abstract and figurative works, the topic of self approached in isolation or in a group and via a range of media; including but not exclusive to, painting, drawing, digital art, textiles, sculpture, photography, ceramics and collage.

Our panel of prestigious judges is as follows: Will Gompertz (BBC Chief Arts Editor), Sir Ian Blatchford (Chief Executive and Director of the Science Museum Group), Victoria Miro (prominent international Gallerist), Dame Justice Cheema-Grubb (an honorary member of the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court Justice Systems), Kate Bryan (art presenter and curator) and 2019 winner, artist and curator David Dawson. A member of the Borchard family will also be present and together the judges will select a winner of the £10,000 prize.

The longlisted works will gain international exposure through inclusion in a dedicated online exhibition that will be shared and promoted across major art selling platforms. A selection of works from the longlist will be acquired for the Collection. A shortlist of works will be selected for a curated exhibition at Coventry Cathedral. The exhibition is due to open in May 2021 alongside the opening celebrations of Coventry UK City of Culture.

Opportunity Website

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