Seattle Repertory Theatre, Seattle / Seeks Interns & Apprentices

January 1, 1970

Type: N/A


Seattle Repertory Theatre’s renowned Professional Arts Training Program has been preparing theatre artists and administrators from around the country for over 20 years. Interns and Apprentices undertake responsibilities as members of their teams, contribute ideas, participate in department and staff meetings, and complete projects under the guidance of their supervisors. Interns also participate in professional workshops and seminars, which provide contact with theatre staff, guest artists, and members of the Seattle arts community. We offer season-long Internships in Scenic Art (Paint), Props, Directing/Casting, Directing/Literary, and Education. These Internships are volunteer positions with a $200 weekly reimbursement for expenses and offer Interns valuable, hands-on experience in their field. In addition, we offer Apprenticeships in Stage Management (2 positions), Lighting Design, Production Management, and Development! All Apprentices will earn Seattle minimum wage ($15/hour) during their time with us, as well as participate in educational seminars and be part of the full PATP cohort!