Shoreline Arts Festival | Call for Solo Performers / Calls & Submissions

May 20, 2021

Organization Name: ShoreLake Arts

Organization Location: Shoreline, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


This year we are seeking out solo musicians (emerging and semi-professional musicians) to perform at the Shoreline Arts Festival. There is stage on the grassy area at Animal Acres Park. There will be no sound reinforcement.

This is for a 45 minute performance. Each performance will start on the hour, with a 15 minute breakdown/setup time.

Open to any style and genre and instrumentation. Live electronics are not available.

We will adhere to current Washington State COVID19 Performing Arts Theater Sector Guidance.

Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsMusicPerforming