Signal Box Call for Artists / Calls & Submissions
May 18, 2020
Organization Name: City of Burien
Organization Location: Burien, WA
Type: Calls & Submissions | COVID-19
Fee: Free
The City of Burien Arts Commission is hosting its second call for artists to produce artist wraps for traffic signal control box artist around Burien. The City is seeking artists to share their artwork with the community on signal boxes around Burien. Help us show community pride and hope at this challenging time.
Applications are due May 18, 2020.
The Signal Box project includes ten signal boxes (the metal boxes used to control traffic signals) around Burien that will be wrapped with vinyl wraps created from the artwork of ten artists. The wraps will be installed in the fall of 2020 and will bring many different artistic styles to the community, from historical imagery to landscapes and portraits.
This project is funded by the Art in Public Places Fund, a separate fund supported $.05 per capita for Burien public art projects.
Art in Public Places projects bring art to the Burien community. Public art can provide a sense of identity and understanding of where we live, work, and visit—creating memorable experiences for all, as well as beautifying a location and making a city more livable.
Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For Artists