Solo Virtual Artist Opportunity / Calls & Submissions
September 20, 2022
Organization Name: Envision Arts
Organization Location: Dallas, TX
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: $25
Envision Arts’ Solo Virtual Artist is an opportunity for artists worldwide to have a six week solo virtual exhibition. Solo artists will have up to twenty curated images of their work on display, as well as their bio and links to their website and social media. Solo artists will also be featured in Envision Arts Magazine.
This is a juried arts competition, in which various art principals and criteria are considered. These include, but are not limited to: originality, technique, use of media, skill-level, and presentation.
Accepting all contemporary and fine art submissions. Submissions are open internationally. All work must have been completed within the years 2015-2022 and not previously exhibited at any Envision Arts Exhibition. Eligible media include, but are not limited to: drawing, painting, photography, mixed media, oil / chalk pastels, block / ink print, pottery / vessels, sculpture, assemblage, digital art, collage, metal work, jewelry design, fiber / textile art, wood work, contemporary craft, soft sculpture, weaving / tapestry and original short film (must be a YouTube or Vimeo URL). If a genre, medium or material you specialize in is not listed, please email to provide specifics about your work.
Juror / Curator: Ginger Cochran, Envision Arts Founder & Director. Guest Juror: TBD
Solo artists exhibitions will run for six weeks (dates TBD after acceptance). Submissions are open on a continued rolling basis and there is no deadline to apply.
The exhibition will be publicized via our social media platforms, VIP email databases, galleries, collectors and more.
To view the full submission guidelines and apply online, click below and complete the application form. All artist submissions require a non-refundable, non-transferable $25 jury fee for 20 images. Submission guidelines include, but are not limited to: providing an exhibition proposal, including 20 images, a bio / artist statement, and a paragraph about your collection.
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