Spokane Sportsplex Indoor Overhead Art call / Calls & Submissions

August 14, 2020

Organization Name: Spokane Arts

Organization Location: Spokane, WA

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


Artists and artist teams are invited to submit qualifications for creating an Indoor Overhead Art work. Project budget is $100,000, including all applicable expenses including sales tax, insurance, engineering, fabrication, and installation.

Requests for Qualifications are being sought by Spokane Arts by August 14, 2020 for two art projects to be installed as part of the the Spokane Sportsplex project being built by the Spokane Public Facilities District. As a part of this project, two public art projects will be created: one in the interior of the Sportsplex which will be a hanging overhead work of art in the south lobby and a second which will be an outdoor interactive work on the north side of the facility. For detailed information about the Sportsplex, both public art projects, each of the requests for qualifications, please visit SpokaneArts.org/opportunities/sportsplex/

This is a two-phase selection process. At this time, in Phase 1, Requests for Qualifications are sought. Deadline to submit is August 14, 2020. For Phase 2, a shortlist of finalists will be selected and asked to prepare a conceptual design which will be presented to the selection committee as part of an interview. Artist Selection (including finalist interviews) is expected to be mid-September 2020. Upon contracting, the artist(s) will immediately join the Design Build team for the project, attend design meetings and assist with coordination, structural and design details through the completion of the project. The SportsPlex, including the artwork installation, is to be completed by August 2021. Artist will be expected to coordinate with the PFD and project leads, with support from Spokane Arts, regarding the exact deadline for artwork delivery/installation, likely in June/July 2021. Construction on this facility has already begun.

General Review Criteria
Consideration of artists in the selection process will include but is not limited to the following: • Aesthetic excellence of past projects • Experience in materials and methods appropriate to the scope of this project • Demonstrated ability to manage projects on time and on budget. • Demonstrated delivery of projects with similar budgets will be reviewed.

For more information or assistance with the application process, including technical assistance with your submittal, contact Karen Mobley at karen@spokanearts.org.

ELIGIBILITY: This opportunity is open to individual artists/artist teams working in the United States. Preference may be given to Inland Northwest artists (Washington, Idaho, Oregon.)


Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsMultidisciplinaryPublic ArtVisual