Spring into Summer Art Show & Sale / Calls & Submissions
April 9, 2021
Organization Name: ARTrails of Southwest Washington
Organization Location: Centralia, WA
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: $15
ARTrails of Southwest Washington is looking for artists to participate in our new Online Spring into Summer Show and Sale! This event will be hosted through the ARTrails website and will run from May 15th thru June 15th.
This is an online only sale and is open to visual artists in the United States.
This is a juried show and as part of the jurying process it requires that artists have their own sales website.
All art must be original and handmade by the artist.
Booth space is limited.
ARTrails will be widely advertising this sale and eager buyers can visit your website and buy directly from you.
This means that you will not be paying a commission fee.
Art will be organized by medium on the website.
1-3 representative photos and artist information will be used to create a profile and a link to the artist’s sales website.
After jurying in, accepted artists will need to pay a $40 online booth fee for reserving the space.