Streetscape and Bicycle Improvements Art Project / Calls & Submissions
January 20, 2020
Organization Name: Office of the Waterfront: Pike Pine Renaissance
Organization Location: Seattle, WA
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: Free
The Office of the Waterfront and Civic Projects, in partnership with the Office of Arts & Culture (ARTS) and Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), seeks an artist/artist team* to join a collaborative design team to unify the Pike-Pine corridor, which is a major east-west connection to Seattle’s central waterfront.
The Waterfront Seattle project will create 20 acres of new public spaces, streets, parks and buildings. Pike and Pine Streets will connect the waterfront to the Capitol Hill neighborhood through the downtown retail core. The artist/s will work with the city and its design team to create a unifying identity for these streets and sited artwork that act as gateways and/or gathering space.
*Artist teams will be limited to two (2) members.
The selected artist or artist team will collaborate with the Pike Pine Renaissance Streetscape and Bicycle Improvements Project design team, including ZGF Architects,LLP, project stakeholders and community members to design integrated streetscape elements and/or original artwork or series of artworks on Pike and Pine Streets. The artist will help design elements that may be well-integrated into the site, helping to unify the streetscape, and may also be asked to consider gateway elements (if feasible) or other identifiers for the corridor. These latter artworks should be very legible as autonomous artistic interventions at key intersections. Artworks must be durable and low maintenance in this urban environment.
BicyclePublic ArtSeattleStreetscape