Stripes 2: Slivers / Calls & Submissions
October 3, 2020
Organization Name: Stripes 2: Slivers
Organization Location: Santa Monica, CA
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: $15.00 USD, $34.00 USD
Submit examples of currently available artworks for exhibit consideration.
If chosen you will be asked to create (if you don’t have one already) a new ultra skinny work no wider than 4in but as tall as you like that will be grouped with other artists in a a multi panel striped image.
Samples of artworks that are not of a single focal subject will give us the best idea of how your work will look as a ‘stripe’.
Exhibit will take place spring 2021 .
entry $25 for one piece.
-Best 100 artists will be exhibited
-Artists must cover their own costs of delivery to and from the gallery. 2525 Michigan Ave #a2, Santa Monica CA 90404
-If included in the exhibit standard gallery 50/50 splits for art sales will apply
Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsLiteraryMediaMultidisciplinaryPerformingVisual