SVOX.TV Film and Video Arts – Call for Submissions / Calls & Submissions

May 18, 2020

Organization Name: SVOX.TV

Organization Location: London, England

Type: Calls & Submissions | COVID-19

Fee: Free


We are inviting artists, practitioners, galleries, curators and filmmakers to contribute film and video work to be shown on SVOX.TV

Submissions at

SVOX.TV is a new channel for film and video arts designed to showcase an array of extraordinary work produced as part of the output from artists, artist collectives, creative studios and broader practices. It is a celebration of the diversity of content, genre, subject matter, methods, narrative, and storytelling.

What are we looking for?

We are interested in seeing a diverse range of works: films, installations, shorts. We operate with an expanded notion of definitions and wish to receive submissions of work spanning – but not limited to – narrative, documentary, experimental and animation fields. We are interested in showing new, old and previously unseen work. We are also interested in the everydayness of visual communication – from the mundane to the sublime.

Preferred format

Vimeo is our preferred format but please provide a link to work in any format. We can help with hosting but please note that we have limited capacity and will need to be selective. Please specify any such requirements in the description section.

SVOX.TV will be an open access platform for film and video presenting limited runs and special screenings of emerging and established producers, makers and artists, as well as an archive.


18th May 2020

Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsCovid-19