Switch 2021 / Calls & Submissions

October 17, 2021

Organization Name: switch

Organization Location: Nenagh, Ireland

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


switch is inviting artists working with film / moving image / lens based Media, to consider an application for switch 2021 responding to the theme of Play.

switch began in 2008 showing eight works by eight artists in eight locations in Nenagh town centre. For the 13th edition of this event we are making again an open call to all artists working with film, lens based media and moving image to submit one work.

switch 2021 is eight works, eight locations, eight artists.

switch 2021 will be 8 lens based works by 8 artists.
These works will be installed in 8 different locations throughout the town centre of Nenagh and will run simultaneously from 4pm to midnight daily for one week.
The event itself will be accompanied by a small publication & a website.

You are invited to submit a proposal to show your lens based works. Please include a short statement describing your proposal and include a bio.

An artist fee of Euro 225 will be paid to each artist for the showing of the work. [Please note VAT charges may be applicable.]

Please send us your proposal to: switch.information@gmail.com.

The work can be sent for viewing purposes as links to vimeo/youtube or via dropbox, wetransfer or alternative: quicktime movies & mp4’s work best.

The installed videos will be shown without sound the video works will be situated in the public sphere works will be shown on a constant loop from 4pm to midnight every day of the week of 7th-14th November 2020 exhibited works will be shown using a Media-player & a projector the format of showing the work is by using large windows as projection screens.


Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsInternationalSwitch