TAPPED: Paired Works by Artists + Their Instructors / Calls & Submissions

September 27, 2020

Organization Name: Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center

Organization Location: Cincinnati, OH

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $40 for up to FOUR entries submitted. $5 per each additional entry.


The Cincinnati based non-profit arts organization and gallery, Manifest, invites visual artists to submit works of art alongside a current or former instructor to be exhibited as a pair if selected. Submission to this exhibit may be initiated by either party. Each member of the pair must submit an entry form, entry fee, and image(s) for their work and only their work.

The relationship between artists and their current or former instructors can be a powerful one. Even when this bond is left unstated, we carry our professors’ voices forward in time as we mature as artists and people. We eventually realize that the instruction given by our teachers during our relatively brief careers as students continues to expand within us. We realize that the learning they inspired (or insisted upon) is a chain-reaction process that develops across our lifetime. All of us who have been students carry forward our teachers’ legacy in one form or another. And those who are, or have been teachers, bear witness to the potency of studenthood.

Out of respect for this artist-teacher bond, and in honor of instructors working hard to help artists tap into a higher mind relative to art and life, we offer TAPPED every year, an annual exhibit that presents paired works of art by current or former artist/teacher pairs.


Opportunity Website

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