“The Sick” / Calls & Submissions

February 15, 2020

Organization Name: Seventh Child

Organization Location: Albuquerque, NM

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


New art/literary publication, Seventh Child, is seeking submissions for its first open call to result in a print publication dissecting “the sick.” All interpretations of the theme are welcome, including those said to be arguably challenging, subversive, unorthodox, or uncomfortably subjective. Art of every stripe is encouraged, with little or no limitation: poetry, photography, illustration, non-fiction, three-dimensional pieces represented two-dimensionally in order to be fit for print, etc. Final selection from submissions will be based on consideration of craft, relevance, and the dialogue stimulated between pieces included for publication. Everyone featured in the final publication will receive a free copy.

To submit:
Please send 1-5 samples of work, either saved as hi-res jpegs or pdfs, to info@seventh-child.com with your name as you wish it to be printed, as well as website, instagram handle, or other online presence if applicable. There is no entry fee to submit.

About Seventh Child:
Seventh Child is a small independent publisher founded in 2020 to push original art and alternative thought, run by Ashley Miller.


Opportunity Website
