The View from Here / Calls & Submissions

May 9, 2020

Organization Name: Elisabeth Jones Art Center

Organization Location: Portland, OR

Type: Calls & Submissions | COVID-19

Fee: Free


With “social distancing” transforming our lives, the Elisabeth Jones Art Center is sponsoring an international collaboration that makes and nurtures connections between artists, in a creative re-interpretive challenge. We are pairing up artists all over the world, from Spain to South Korea to Russia, to share with one another something of “The View from Here” —the world as they are experiencing it in this chaotic time of COVID-19.

The artists work together by sending ideas and sketches back and forth digitally, and then create analog work based on the exchange and the other’s experience. This is a difficult thing to do! But at a time when many of us are feeling the impact of isolation, it has the potential to build rich, beyond-verbal connections right across the world, and allow us to band together in these uncertain times.

If you are interested in taking part, please contact!

Opportunity Website

ArtCalls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCollaborationCovid-19International