Time Bombs: Works About Anxiety and/or Impending Disaster / Calls & Submissions

October 12, 2019

Organization Name: Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center

Organization Location: Cincinnati, OH

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $40 for up to four entries / $5 per each additional entry


The Cincinnati based non-profit arts organization and gallery, Manifest, invites visual artists to submit works about anxiety, impending disaster, fear, worry, etc.

We live in a world increasingly enervated by the sense that at any moment everything could change, generally for the worse. Individuals, communities, political subcultures, social media spheres, even whole countries are each, it would seem, a ticking time bomb…

Where is the fuse, the key or trigger? How can we detect and diffuse such intense energy-pockets bent on total destruction? Anxiety and fear are like a virus. Perhaps the solution is to acknowledge, examine, and then contain and discard them. Maybe art can help with this by providing an encapsulation of the subject, something that safely externalizes the issue, providing release. And maybe Time is the key…

This exhibit has no defined expectation for type or style of work to be considered or selected. Submissions can range from the most traditional realism to the most conceptual, abstract, or experimental.


Opportunity Website

AnxietyCalls And SubmissionsDisaster