Trailer Blaze, Seaside / Ladies Comics Residency / Call for Artists
February 26, 2019
Organization Name: The Sou’wester Lodge and Vintage Trailer Park
Organization Location: Seaview, WA
Type: Residencies
Fee: Free
Trailer Blaze is a ladies comics residency at The Sou’wester Lodge and Vintage Trailer Park in Seaview, WA. The annual residency offers invaluable time and space for emerging and established female artists and writers to do their work without interruption by an increasingly distracting world. Trailer Blaze is also an environment for work to get better—allowing time for contemplation, exploration of the natural world, and fostering connections within the community so we can share ideas, resources, and form lasting bonds.
Applications will open January 2nd and close February 26th. Residents will be announced on March 1st. The residency takes place April 14-19, 2019. It is open to all local, national, and international persons. Applicants need to have a project to work on during the residency, and proof of this should be reflected in your application. Residents are responsible for their own travel, though ride shares are often easily arranged. This is a low-cost residency, with a deeply discounted weekly rate, and some communal meals. We use an inclusive definition of “woman” and “female” and we welcome trans women, genderqueer women, and non-binary people who are significantly female-identified to apply.
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