TWINKLE: Call for Works of Art About Sparkle and Enchantment / Calls & Submissions

May 25, 2020

Organization Name: Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center

Organization Location: Cincinnati, OH

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $40 for up to FOUR entries submitted. $5 per each additional entry.


The Cincinnati based non-profit arts organization and gallery, Manifest, invites visual artists to submit works of art about sparkle, enchantment, facade, flashiness, and the seductive power of bright lights and color.

Twinkle is a small word. A twinkle is light and small, brilliant and fleeting. Twinkles are distractions, attractive attention-traps that sit on the surface where they may seem like shallow decorations—until you remember that the faint twinkle of a star is in reality a massive hydrogen-fueled interstellar explosion seen palely at a distance of billions of miles.

This exhibit has no defined expectation for type or style of work to be considered or selected. Submissions can range from the most traditional to the most conceptual, abstract, or experimental.

***Pandemic-alternative default plan is NO SHIPPING REQUIRED to participate—online and in-print exhibition only.***

Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsOnline