Virtual Exhibition + Artist’s Book / Calls and Submissions

April 15, 2024

Organization Name: Call For Art Projects

Organization Location: New York, NY

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $35


Arts to Hearts Project is thrilled to announce the launch of our new call for art for a virtual exhibition, accompanied by the creation of an exquisite artist’s book. This exciting initiative aims to celebrate the creative fusion of color and texture, inviting artists to explore the dynamic interplay between these two essential elements in their artwork. The virtual exhibition promises to be a captivating showcase of visual experiences, while the artist’s book will serve as a timeless collection of these vibrant creations. We are eagerly anticipating the diverse and inspiring submissions that will bring this theme to life.*ee96xt*_ga*MjA4Mzg1NTQ3MS4xNjczMTg3NjU4*_ga_WH60B2P56F*MTcxMTgxMzc3My4xNDUuMC4xNzExODEzNzczLjAuMC4w

Opportunity Website

Calls And SubmissionsVisual